Our Services
Our unique clinic provides expert and tailored care for men, women and children. Over time we have built a network of like minded but diverse professionals to work together and serve your individual needs.
Pelvic floor & continence physiotherapy
Sexual dysfunction/pelvic pain & painful intercourse
Vaginal prolapse & fitting of vaginal pessaries
Real-time ultra sound & bladder scanner
Pregnancy education, support & exercise
Treatment of mastitis & lactating breast related issues
General musculoskeletal physiotherapy
Remedial massage therapy & dry needling
Private Yoga Instruction and Consultation
DryKidz - Bedwetting, toilet training, alarm therapy, Daytime incontinence, bladder and bowel problems
Exercise Physiology
Clinical Exercise Session
We are proud to launch our new pregnancy specific services. Please let us assist with all your questions and direct you to the appropriate clinician for your specific needs.

Pelvic floor & continence physiotherapy
Change your life, we can help you to a drier future. Our expert staff aim to help overcome the distressing symptoms of bladder, bowel and pelvic dysfunction.
• Childhood bedwetting
• Interstitial cystitis
• Over active bladder
• Pre and post prostatectomy/TURP incontinence
• Constipation
• Pelvic floor muscle dysfunction
• Vaginal prolapse/
•Rectal Balloon Therapy/ Biofeedback

Sexual dysfunction/pelvic pain & painful intercourse
Let us help you resolve the distressing symptoms of painful intercourse & erectile dysfunction.
We treat all of the conditions listed below:
• Erectile dysfunction
• Pelvic pain
• Dyspareunia, vulvadynia, vaginissmus
• Sexual dysfunction/ prolapse/ menopause

Vaginal prolapse & fitting of vaginal pessaries
Don’t suffer the debiltating symptoms of viginal prolapse in silence, we can help.
Prolapse means drop or descent. 60% of women who have had a vaginal delivery will develop a vaginal prolapse at some stage. The symptoms of vaginal prolapse can dramatically reduce your quality of life.
Conservative treatment can help prevent surgery or support surgery if surgery is necessary. Modifying lifestyle factors and having a strong pelvic Floor has been shown to significantly reduce symptoms in many patients.
Vaginal pessaries are another form of conservative treatment, which can reduce the symptoms of pelvic dragging and bulging and improve your quality of life. We can fit vaginal pessaries as part of your conservative treatment plan.

Real-time ultra sound & bladder scanner
Real time ultra sound technology enables us to show you your pelvic floor & abdominal muscles moving.
Our real time ultra sound, which can also be used as a bladder scanner is extremely useful not only as a diagnostic tool but also to teach clients the correct way of contracting Pelvic Floor and lower abdominal muscles. The ultrasound is used as part of each new clients initial assessment (not used if you are pregnant). It is very rewarding for clients to actually see their Pelvic Floor muscles moving on contraction.
Contact us for a pelvic floor/abdominal assessment and see your muscles in action.

Pregnancy education, support & exercise
Pelvic Strength Physiotherapy is a pelvic floor and pregnancy clinic which caters for pregnant clients throughout their ante and post natal experience. Our aim is to support and educate women through a healthy active pregnancy.
• Pre and Post natal Pelvic floor and abdominal muscle assessment
• Upper and lower abdominal muscle assessment
• Treatment of rectus diastasis
• Pelvic girdle pain management
• Individualized pregnancy exercise programmes
• Fitting of vaginal pessaries
• Vaginal prolapse management
• Pregnancy education
• Treatment of breast conditions (eg. Mastitis)
• Ante and post natal exercise classes
• Sexual dysfunction and painful intercourse issues
• Management of 3rd and 4th degree tears
• Pregnancy massage
• Individual pregnancy yoga instruction
• Counselling for chronic pelvic pain
• General physiotherapy

Treatment of mastitis & lactating breast related issues
We can help if you have mastitis.
Establishing breastfeeding can be challenging. Mastitis is the inflammation of blocked milk ducts, which may or may not be infected. It is a painful and distressing condition.
We have significant success treating mastitis with a combination of ultra sound, education, taping and lymphatic drainage. We work in collaboration with lactation consultants.

General musculoskeletal physiotherapy
Sprains, Strains & Musculoskeletal injuries.
Our musculoskeletal physiotherapist is on site to treat sprains, strains, muscular injuries, orthopaedic conditions and rehab post fractures. Clients are assessed and an individualised treatment programme is developed. The aim of the programme is to decrease pain and return the client to normal movement and function. Ongoing exercise programmes are part of this holistic approach.

Remedial massage therapy & dry needling
Experience the myotherapy difference
Our Myotherapist , Remedial Massage Therapist and Dry Needler is experienced in treating:
• Pre and post natal ladies
• Headaches/migraines
• Chronic overuse disorders
• Soft tissue injuries
• Back pain
• Joint condtions
• Stress and anxiety disorders
• Rehab pre and post operative

Private Yoga Instruction and Consultation
Feel vibrant, alive & replenished with a yoga & meditation practice made just for you.
Yoga and meditation give your body the support to access it’s own healing abilities, strengthen immune function, enhance healing, decrease stress levels and promote a positive mental outlook. Whether you are recovering from surgery, dealing with illness, are pregnant or a new mum, or just want to maintain good health, Larissa Haramis’ gentle and safe blend of therapeutic yoga and mindfulness meditation is personalised to your body and your individual health requirements.
Working privately provides the opportunity to develop a trusted relationship, in a safe and nurturing space, where we can address your specific needs and work within your limitations. You will be guided through a tailored home practice designed to help you reach your individual health and well being goals.

DryKidz - Bedwetting, toilet training, alarm therapy, Daytime incontinence, bladder and bowel problems
A qualified and experienced Continence & Urology Nurse to assist families overcome problems with children’s continence.
Dry Kidz is her children’s practice, and Terri is the sole practitioner, so you can be assured that your child is always seen by a qualified health professional.
Help is available for
• Bedwetting
• Day time incontinence (day wetting)
• Toilet training problems
• Constipation
Dry Kidz offers
• Confidential, individual assessment of your child’s problem
• Individualised management combining a number of treatment options (if appropriate) to best suit your child’s situation
• Guidance, encouragement and support to both you and your child
• Liaison with your health care professional if appropriate

Exercise Physiology
An Accredited Exercise Physiologists are university qualified allied health professionals who specialise in the delivery of exercise, lifestyle and behavioural modification. An Accredited Exercise Physiologists individual designs and facilitates exercise programs and group exercise classes for rehabilitation, prevention and management of chronic disease and injuries. The group exercise programs available at Pelvic Strength Physiotherapy are designed specifically for those clients to help with weight management, and to improve their balance, aerobic fitness, strength and general well being as well as disease specific programs.
We can help with the following conditions:
• High blood pressure
• High Cholesterol
• Bypass surgery or stents
• Heart attack
• Heart failure
• Other cardiac surgery including valve replacement or valve dysfunction and pacemaker insertion
• Elderly
• Muscle wastage (atrophy/sarcopenia)
• Low bone density (Osteoporosis/osteopenia)
• History of falls or at risk of a fall
• Severe osteoarthritis (not needing weight loss)
• Neurological conditions such as Multiple sclerosis, Parkinson
• Cancer (to help reduce fatigue, improve bone density, help tolerate chemo & improve overall health)
• Arthritis
• General weight loss
• Metabolic Syndrome
• Sleep Apnoea
• Diabetes
Exercise Physiology services are claimable through most private health funds. We also accept Medicare Enhanced Primary Health Care Plans and Medicare Allied Health Group Services for clients with Type 2 Diabetes.

Clinical Exercise Session
- Promotes recruitment of the core muscles which stabalise our spine
- Helps to stretch out the spine in a safe and controlled manner
- Improve the strength of our important muscle groups
Clinical exercise has been shown to reduce pain levels and improve overall functioning in people who suffer from chronic ailments, including low back pain.
Clinical exercise is also a great form of exercise for fit and uninjured people who would like to have a tailored program to improve, strength, flexibility and posture.
- Supervision by highly trained physiotherapist Gym instructor
- Takes into account age, flexibility, injury, posture and focuses on correct recruitment of core muscles vs Generic exercises.
- Small group of 1-2 vs Large group with less supervision
- Program tailored to individuals vs Generic exercises
This is what makes our Clinical Exercise “Clinical.” This session is essential for us to be able to create a program specifically for you. During this session we will work out which exercises are most suitable for your spine, familiarise you with our equipment and provide you with some exercises to take home with you.
Our knowledgeable reception staff can assist you with all questions and concerns
293 Dorset Rd
Croydon Victoria 3136
(Parking at the rear)
(03) 9724 9755
(03) 9723 5282
Monday - Friday: 8:00am to 9:00pm
Saturday: 8:00am to 4:00pm
Consulting Suites B
262 Mountain Highway
Wantirna 3152
(03) 9210 7300
Thursday: 8:30am to 1:00pm
Monday: 8am to 5pm
Tuesday: 8am to 7pm
Wednesday: 8am to 5pm
Thursday: 8pm to 8pm
Friday: 8am to 5pm
Saturday: 8am to 12pm